Africa – a mysterious continent for us Europeans, marked by many preconceptions. His desire to address these preconceptions and find out the truth led Simon Fitz, who had been a member of the Wilten Boys’ Choir for 17 years, to Kenya to complete his voluntary social year there.
Between August 2007 and August 2008, Simon worked as a volunteer at a school in Ugari, a rural region near the city of Migori in Western Kenya. Simon returned to the world of running water, electricity and motorways with lots of new experiences.
The Wilten Boys’ Choir’s Choirmaster, Johannes Stecher, was inspired by Simon’s tales and came up with the idea of organising a benefit concert for a Kenyan secondary school under construction. During Simon’s stay, the Ugari secondary school only consisted of 28 students and an unfinished classroom. The secondary school project was initiated by the villagers, in order to give their children the opportunity to graduate and go to university in Nairobi. As is the case all over the world, education is the only way to escape poverty.
Since then, many years have passed – years, in which the Wilten Boys’ Choir has raised more than 70,000 euros through benefit concerts and a benefit golf tournament. In the meantime, the St. Juliane Ugari Mixed Secondary School now has more than 400 students and keeps on growing!
Simon Fitz regularly travels to Kenya to monitor and document the construction progress. Every cent of the donation money goes to Ugari and is exclusively used for expanding the school.
In 2016, the Wilten Boys’ Choir raised over 13,000 euros for the children’s charity “SOS-Kinderwelt” in Innsbruck.
In 2017, the association supported efforts for emergency relief as part of the annual “Licht ins Dunkel” telethon organised by broadcaster ORF with over 15,000 euros. Furthermore, in 2018, “Kinder für Kinder” organised a benefit concert featuring the Wilten Boys’ Choir and friends, generating funds of over 22,000 euros, which were used to build a boarding school for girls in Maradi/Niger in Africa.
You can also help us to give children the chance to receive a good education.
Donations to:
Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG
IBAN: AT38 3600 0000 0072 1837
Reference: Kinder für Kinder
Further information:
Benefizkonzert für die SOS-Kinder.Welt
Die Wiltener Sängerknaben & der Texas Boys Choir begeisterten das Publikum im fast ausverkauften Congress Innsbruck und freuten sich über den tollen Erlös für die „SOS-Kinder.Welt“ in Innsbruck
Mit „Standing Ovations“ würdigte das Publikum am Sonntagabend (22.5.) im Congress Innsbruck die Darbietungen der beiden Chöre. Nach Klassikern wie Donauwalzer, We are the World oder der Overtüre aus der Hochzeit des Figaro standen zum Abschluss alle 160 Sänger der Wiltener Sängerknaben und des Texas Boys Choir auf der Bühne und sangen gemeinsam das O fortuna von Carl Orff als Finale.
Neben dem musikalischem Genuss stand das Konzert im Zeichen eines gemeinnützigen Zwecks: Der gesamte Erlös aus dem Verkauf der Eintrittskarten und dem Verkauf von Freundschaftsbändern in der Konzertpause kommt der neuen „SOS-Kinder.Welt“ in Innsbruck zugute. Und so durfte SOS-Kinderdorf-Geschäftsführer Christian Moser mit großer Dankbarkeit und Freude von den beiden Chorleitern Johannes Stecher und Bryan Biddy sowie jungen Sängern einen Scheck über 12.000 Euro entgegennehmen.